Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix

Stakeholder  engagement  assessment  matrix.
A  stakeholder  engagement  assessment  matrix  supports  comparison between the current engagement levels of stakeholders versus desired engagement levels required for successful project delivery.

Stakeholder engagement level
  • Unaware. Unaware of the project and potential impacts.
  • Resistant. Aware of the project and potential impacts but resistant to any changes that may occur as a result of the work or outcomes of the project. These stakeholders will be unsupportive of the work or outcomes of the project.
  • Neutral. Aware of the project, but neither supportive nor unsupportive.
  • Supportive. Aware of the project and potential impacts and supportive of the work and its outcomes.
  • Leading.  Aware  of  the  project  and  potential  impacts  and  actively  engaged  in  ensuring  that  the  project  is a success.