Sunday, April 17, 2016



Interactive communication is the most efficient method of communication to ensure a common understanding as it is real time.

Interactive communication should be used when an immediate response is required and when the communication is sensitive or likely to be misinterpreted.


Push communication is communication that is delivered by the sender to the recipients. While the communication can be confirmed that it was sent, it does not necessarily mean it was received and understood.

Push communication should be used when the recipients need the information but it does not require an
immediate response and the communication is non-urgent or sensitive in nature.


Pull communication is a communication method that provides access to the information however the receiver must proactively retrieve the information.

Pull communication should be used when the communication is informational only. If the recipients don’t read it, it will not affect the project.


Interactive communication methods include:

Phone calls
Video conferences
Push communication methods include:

Postal mail
Pull communication methods include posting information to:

A website
A knowledge repository
A bulletin board

Although there are an unlimited number of methods for communicating information on the project, all communication generally falls into one of three categories: interactive, push, and pull.

The project manager must balance the amount of information with the needs of the project and the recipients to determine the most appropriate method to utilize.